Thanks, Connie. That difference between our real-world and our on-line personas is important, and often we don't even give it deliberate thought. Hopefully this lesson serves as a reminder that we need to do that kind of gut check on a regular basis, else we risk losing something basic about our humanity, I think.
For communicators, though, that "on-line persona" exists in our professional lives every day. We write something, we send it out into the world, and we might not ever see someone read/watch/listen to our words. There's a built-in disconnect that we need to be aware of so that we can work to stay in touch in other ways. (You've no doubt heard of the criticism that the media is "out of touch.")
At this point in a journal, after commenting on the content, I would then comment on the student's mechanics with a specific writing tip or two to concentrate on. I'll spare everyone here!